Monday, October 15, 2007

Tag You're It!

Okay, Erin this is for you... no one else cares!!!
1. Who is your man? Christopher James Bedard
2. How long have you been together? Married 8 years on Oct. 30th
3. How long dated? 3.5 years
4. How old is your man? 35 (But I'm so old I had to ask him how old he is! I couldn't remember!! The memory is the 1st thing to go!)
5.Who eats more? it's a tie!!
6. Who said "I love you" first? Chris, I didn't say it back until I was sure of it weeks later!!
7. Who is taller? Chris by a few inches!
8. Who sings better? Chris for sure! If you've ever heard him (or me) you already know the answer to this!!
9. Who is smarter? This is a dumb question!
10. Whose temper is worse? Chris says his and I say mine. But it takes ALOT to get either one of us going. Most of the time we are happy people!
11. Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but Chris pitches in more than most husbands typically do. He's always been Mr. Independant and can take care of himself. I love that about him! And he does the ironing!!!
12. Who takes out the garbage? Chris (but sometimes I do too)
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Chris. I like to sleep close to the bathroom, like Erin, but we tried trading places (since the b-room is near that side) and neither one of us could sleep in different positions!! Creatures of habit!
14. Who pays the bills? Chris, but he tells me whats going on so I don't spend too much!!
15. Who is better with the computer? Chris for sure! He converted me to be a Mac fanatic. I'm a believer now!! Everyone needs a Mac!
16. Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn, but if we did it would be Chris. I have too many things I'm allergic to!! I'm a dork!
17. Who cooks dinner? Me. If he did we'd have goolash every nigh!!!!
18. Who drives when you are together? It's about even, but if we are going far Cade starts to scream so I sit in the back and entertain him. He's getting better about his carseat, but every once in a while he still gets mad.
19. Who pays when you go out? Most of the time Chris, but sometimes me
20. Who is most stubborn? We both point to each other on this one!!
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Chris. I have to think things over first and make sure I was wrong!!
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Both
23. Who kissed who first? We talked about it first, so it was mutual!!
24. Who asked who out? Not sure, but I think Chris. I asked him on a Sadies date, but he payed for it!!!
25. Who proposed? Chris at Preston Road C of C with our friends and his brother and sister there in the balcony! It was a night I'll never forget! We have it on video! Too bad we don't have a VCR any more!!
26. Who is more sensitive? Me for sure! But Chris is too, and he'll admit it. When you get envolved with teenagers lives you can't help but be sensitive to them and for them.
27. Who has more friends? It's even
28. Who has more siblings? we have the same- 1 bother, 1 sister. Chris is the oldest and I'm a middle child. That's why he takes such good care of me and I let him (such a middle child thing to do)!!
29. Who wears the pants in the family? What year is this, 1950? It's even between us. It may seem like I do, but if you listen to us when we are making decisions for our family it's a team effort.
30. Who makes the bed in the morning? Me it just makes the room look so much nicer even if the room is messy. Lately I don't feel complete until it's made. Is that a touch of OCD? I'm not sure!!!!
31. Who is a morning person? Chris for sure! Morning to me is 11 a.m.!! ha ha ha! But having a newborn has changed all that.
I tag Jaime S. and Ellyn S. (Julie I would tag you but you haven't started your blog yet!!)


Anonymous said...

You bring me that proposal video and I'll transfer it to DVD for you.

Brooks Inc. said...

Fun learning mor about you guys...Sure love you Bedards!


Julie said...

Mindy, loved your answers. I don't play tag! HA! Besides, most of the answers would be me. I'm stubborn, I'm always right, I kissed him, I cook, I'm short tempered, I sleep on the right side of the bed and I'm always right. Did I mention that one? Oh, but John ALWAYS pays!!!
And we have a VCR because our wedding is on a tape so if you ever want to watch your engagement come over and we'll get to watch it, too!

Jody said...

Hee hee.
I have to think about if I am really wrong too before I can admit it. I liked that one!!!
Cade is PRECIOUS.... sorry Mindy, he looks like Chris and Tony!!