Monday, July 28, 2008

Mindy here...

Hey y'all! I haven't blogged in a while, so thought I'd give a shot. Chris was right, summer colds are the worst! I'm STILL fighting it. My head has been so stopped up I have been too embarressed to talk on the phone to friends/family. I tried talking to my older brother on the phone the other day and I ended up chocking on mucus and had to run to the bathroom while coughing and gagging! We came back to DFW to get some things we need for Parker, but I haven't been able to leave the house until this past weekend. We did finally find a good deal on a bed and double stroller. I'm especially excited about the stroller. The seats can turn so the kids can face each other. I think that will be a cute picture some day! We have bought some of the basics like diapers and night gowns for her; some clothes and cute bows of course! It's hard getting into "Girlie" mode. There are tights to buy and bloomers with ruffles on them! Girls are really high matinence from the beginning! She has some clothes already from friends and family (thank you ALL!). My sister-in-law (brother's wife) gave Parker a ton of cute clothes that my nieces have grown out of; mom and I have discovered a really great second hand baby store in the area. We decided to go yesterday to check it out, but it was so HOT we both got tired fast. Today we heard on the news that it was 105 yesterday! No wonder we were tired! We decided to go shopping on the hottest day of the summer! So, then we decided to go back in the fall! Needless to say, she will probably want for nothing, but the mommy guilt has already sunk in! We were blessed with many supporters when Cade was born that being in A-town without our cheering crowd and encouragement crew is difficult for me to comprehend. I will miss all the happy faces of the teens that came to see us in the hospital, and all the visitors to the house. I will never forget what our FXCC family did for us. Thank you all! The ACU FXCC students have told me they will come visit Parker when they get a chance, so I know we'll have great memories and pictures to share. I'm hoping Lisa Bosley will still be in town! She was the 1st one at the hospital to see Cade! We'll see!
Chris comes back from Colorado tomorrow and we are driving back to A-town, as he calls it, for my next OB appointment. We will be staying in A-town for the remainder of the pregnancy to get ready for her arrival and the beginning of the first semester of grad school. Chris is really excited about school. He's got his office all set up at home and he was able to buy a new computer through his student discount that Apple has. I get his old one, so we don't have to share! You'll be hearing more from me when I get it set up.
I think that's all I have for now. This has been the busiest/craziest summer I've had in a long time. Can't say the same for Chris, but for me it's been busy! Now we need to get back to A-town and find a church home. We are really missing all the church stuff, but we haven't been in town long enough to go any where. We went to Highland once and then we left for a month! August will be dedicated to a prayerful decision on where to make our church home for the next 2 years.
More to come if I ever get the chance!
Love to all!


Unknown said...

You have no idea how much I would love to walk into the Abilene hospital on August 29th to meet Parker! But I guess since you missed Anderson's birth, I shouldn't feel too bad.

Jeff Hubbard said...

Hey guys! Good to have you back in Texas. I am actually starting Grad school at ACU in the Fall also (part time of course). I look forward to seeing you while I am there. If the baby hasn't been born yet could I crash at your house one weekend or two?

Murray Sanderson said...

Great update, I'm so excited for you guys. Enjoy every moment of these much joy & anticipation. We love you & miss you and wish we could be there when Parker makes her entrance!
We'll never forget getting your phone call with the news that Cade had arrived! God is good.