Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Hello, Change"...he said as he watched Barack's speech and took in the moment.


I have only voted in 6 presidential elections. The first was in 1992 and the latest was yesterday at 4 pm. Mindy and I took Cade and Parker, strolled up to the polling place, and cast our votes for Barack Obama. We live in Texas. We used to live in Virginia. We were party of the minority of voters that cast ballots for Obama in Texas but would have been one of the majority that, for the first time in 44 years, voted for a Democrat for president. There were so many things about this election that are different than the first one I voted in.

I guess you could say I have liked Barack from the start. I know that in the state and town I live in now, that is not the most popular thing to say. I know there were a lot of skeptical people (and still are) who say and said he was a communist, socialist, closet Islamic radical, non-Christian, etc. There was so much smear from the far right fundamental Republican side. There was so much fear spread from that area. Yet, through out the campaign the person that stayed steady and rock solid was our President-Elect. Even last night he was in command and was poised to take on a role that is not going to be easy nor 'fun'. He can not please so many people but that is one of the reasons I like him so much. He is not trying to please people, he is trying to lead a nation into a new time. This is the first President elected that is of a new generation. He is the first 'postmodern' President. He ran on a platform of change. His platform was so powerful and effective, his competitor tried using that word change in his speeches and stumps and without much success.

So now what? I noticed today that the sun came up. I also saw that the world is still spinning and the wind blows. My kids were still sleeping safely in their beds as I left the house. Mindy was just waking to drink coffee. I got to school and began reading for the day. The stock market is just cranking up. Trucks are traveling and trains, planes, and people are going about their day. Nothing has changed really, but everything has changed. I am in awe by the events of the past months and it hit me last night as I watched and listened to both speeches. Sen. McCain was gracious and humble and just like I thought he would be. I have tremendous respect for him and I believe I even like him more now. Barack was clear and direct and a breath of fresh air. He is the first African-American voted to our nation's highest office EVER in our history. I am awed by that. I am proud of his being elected. I know some of you have trouble with that and will continue to have trouble. Some of you will never like him and I want to give you permission to NOT like him. But don't be fooled. Times have and are continuing to change. Change is not just coming anymore, it is here.