Thursday, February 21, 2008

Its All Too Fast

Well last night our little man got really upset. We put him to bed at his usual time. Then about 45 minutes later he let out a cry then a scream. This is not unusual but he continued to cry and so Mindy decided to go up and check on him. We were so glad she did! Cade had pulled himself up and was leaning over the rail of the bed looking down at the floor trying to figure out how he could get down. So Dad spent the next 30 minutes lowering the mattress, bumper pads, etc so we could keep little man contained for a bit longer. It was scary but cool at the same time. This past week he started crawling, sits up with ease, pulled himself up in his bed, and started playing the stock market in preparation for his college education. I mean he is amazing!!


Unknown said...

He's going to be talking your ear off before you know it!

Words/Phrases you will soon hate:
I do it myself

Good Luck guys!

Anonymous said...

When am I going to see little Cade? I am having Cade withdrawal!!
I miss you guys!
Lisa G.