Monday, February 11, 2008

Yes, It's True!

Mindy here. I haven't been on the computer in a while. Chris is kind of a computer hog!! But I like that he's blogging too. He's funnier. So, I'm 11 weeks pregnant, suprise, suprise! We were also shocked! We were told not to get our hopes up just because we had one successful pregnancy. I won't go into detail about all my female parts, but let's just say I'm almost 35 and everything is getting older and less useful! Well, Doctors can be wrong sometimes!! The due date is September 3. That would make Cade and this baby around 16 months apart. I've heard all kinds of advice about having both kids in diapers and how they will grow up like best friends. This is all exciting to us, and the fact that we won't know any different!! But I'll tell everyone this... this is probably our last kid!! I'm even putting it in writing! I have been just as sick with this one as I was with Cade. It's almost worse because it's ALL day sickness. I usually eat dinner around 8 p.m. or later. The rest of the day is spent trying to eat crackers, or anything that sounds good, and trying to keep it down. Last night was most unusual. I was severely nausious all throughout the night. The room was spinning all night and I couldn't lift my head off the pillow. Needless to say I didn't sleep much. So, if you don't hear from me please don't give up on me! This too shall pass! I'll be ready to get out of the house after this phase is over. Pray for Chris! He's doing everything with Cade and pretty much for me too! I don't know what I'm going to do if I'm still sick when he goes back to work!!
We ARE going to find out if this is a boy or girl. But that sonogram isn't for another 10 weeks, so you all will have to wait patiently like us. We will then come up with a name and, yes, we will tell you the name at that time.
Well, time to try and get some sleep. It all starts over in the morning...

P.S. I lost 9.5 pounds in the 1st trimester with Cade. So far, I've lost 3. I do not know how bilemics do it. My throat burns all day long! I know that's gross, but I'm just saying there are easier ways to lose weight. Speaking of, Cheers to my sister who has lost over 25 lbs (and still counting) and to my friend Jaime Sanderson. It is such a hard thing to do but so worth it. Go girls!
P.P.S. If you notice what time this was posted you might be wondering why I said it's time for bed. That time is WRONG! It says it's almost 8 pm. It is actually 12:05 a.m.!! Anyone know how to fix this? For some reason that bugs me!!!


Jerri said...

Hey, Mindy,
I'm so excited for you and Chris! You will love having your babies that close together--Don and Nathan are that close in age! They always have been best friends.
I had that all day sickness with Steve--ugh! I lost and gained 25 lbs. with him. I couldn't keep any meat down, so my doctor had me eating corn and any kind of beans together, because that is a perfect protein. I am also working on my weight. The only New Years Resolution I made this year is to lose 100 lbs. I lost 12 lbs. in Jan., but I'm not taking any of the credit. I am giving God the credit, because He has been helping me.....I do my best on the days I start out with my time with God. If you would like, and have time, you could go on my blog. I am posting calories and exercise and some Bible studies every day.....for accountability. The time thing bugs me, too....but I'm usually embarrassed about the actual time I'm posting, so it's probably better that way. :) Jerri

Kelli said...

YAY! i am so happy for you guys. i hope you have a wonderful pregnancy and can't wait to hear more about the new little one. congratulations!

Julie said...

Mindy, you will love having your kiddies so close together. As you know, Eddie James and Davis are about 23 months apart and I think it works great. They play together, take naps together and really like the same things.

Just the other day Eddie James was playing with his pink mouse and Davis ran over to play with it, too. So adorable to watch!

From one mother to another, it is going to be great! I know you are lauighing right now! HA! HA! HA! Just try not to throw up.

I am so happy for you!

Jennie said...

Congratulations Mindy(and Chris)! I'm looking forward to seeing you guys and catching up soon. I hope the sickness passes soon. I know how miserable that is.

Unknown said...

I don't think the world could handle five Bedards anyway! Love you four!

The Speck family said...

OH MY WORD!!! I am so thrilled for you guys!!! When you are up for visitors please let me know- Bennett is anxious to meet his little pal Cade. Love and hugs to you guys! K, T & B

Jody said...

I am PUMPED for you guys.... two in diapers.... NO BIG DEAL! You won't know any different and you will feel blessed to have TWO gifts from God... we do! We all know what a miracle this is! You guys rock. Congrats. We can't wait to hear more about your new little one.
Lots of prayers and hugs,

jaime s said...

STill so excited for you!! Thanks for the shout out about my weight loss journey!

We're living what you guys will be in a few months to PLEASE call if you have any questions, etc.! Not that we're experts but we can at least sympathize with the rough days and share the BEST parts of having two little ones so close together!

Can't wait to meet another baby Bedard again!