Monday, October 6, 2008

Been A Little Busy!

So, as you can imagine, we've all been a little busy! This blog will have to be very short, but I just wanted to tell you all how we are doing. 
Cade is walking EVERYWHERE! It's been a huge help to us too. He walks himself to the car and we can get everyone into the car and go somewhere easier now. His ankles aren't looking as fat too b/c he's getting more exercise!!!!! He STILL gets mad in the car, but if it wasn't for Elmo videos we wouldn't go any where. (Thank you to the Gulick's for the DVD player! I am forever in your debt! And thank you to MiMi for all the Elmo videos!) Those videos are the only thing that keep him from crying and carrying on, however, Parker is starting to cry in the car now! Yup! It's true! I don't know what it is about my kids and this car seat, but I have another car seat I'm going to try out to see if it works better for her. 
Speaking of Parker, she is five weeks old! It really does go by so fast! She smiles and tries so hard to coo and "talk" a little. She looks so much like me (mostly like my niece, Sidney) it's weird to look at myself! She sleeps thru the night, believe it or not! Normally, she has her last bottle at midnight and then she'll sleep until 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. It's great! We were going to have pictures made of her last week, but she got the baby acne, so we are waiting until those go away. 
As far as Chris and me. Same 'ol, same 'ol! Chris still loves school and tells me everything he is learning even though I don't understand some of the big words he uses now! I drink a lot of caffeine, but still stay tired some how!!!! 
Need to run for now, she is crying.
love to all who still read this!!!!


Unknown said...

I want pictures!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Cade and Parker wouldn't get so upset in the car if you would stop hitting them. Hey just kidding. I'm assuming I'm kidding anyway. Can't wait to see you guys. It's only about a week away.

jaime s said...

Welcome to the world of 2 under 2! It's full of blessings to be sure, but business and lack of sleep tend to cloud over the blessings (at times!). We think of you guys often.

Eli is in a "I HATE the car seat (and anyone who puts me in one) phase so I am praying for this to send soon. Since we are about to drive 5 hours to Nville. The dvd doesn't help him much. It was a miracle worker for Faith!

Let me know if you come up with any other tricks!

Pictures, pictures, we always want more pics!!

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Matt cries when I make him ride in the car seat. Ha-ha. Hey I agree with Erin, need some pictures! It sounds like things are going well, I am glad Parker is such a cooperative baby. I can't wait to meet her someday. Love, Barbara

The Speck family said...

I am so happy to see an update! We are definitely anxious for pics of your cute kiddos :). Kelly S.