Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Better day & Tony B: Your Weird!

Just in case you were worried, today has been a better day at our house. Our sweet friend, Megan Jeter, helped me get the kids out and we went to Target for a little Halloween shopping. I love all holidays that give out free candy, but Halloween is my favorite. I think this holiday has the BEST candy! Anyway, thanks for all of your comments on my "Confession" blog. Jana and Erin called me almost immediatly after I posted that yesterday! They were both worried about me! Not to worry though. I just wanted to share how I was feeling publicly.

Tony Bedard, your comment cracked me up, but also scares me a little after hearing what you did this past weekend to Patrick! ha ha ha! I won't divulge any more, so we can keep that image in the family! I'm so thrilled that Cacde will grow up with you in his life, but I'm also kind of frightened!!!!!! The first time (and hopefully the only time) he goes streaking across campus with his friends you will be getting a phone call!!!! Remember, you've already taught him how to beat himself in the head with a plastic bottle! He LOVES his Uncle Tony! (And please keep your clothes on at my house this weekend... at ALL times!)

ACU Homecoming is this weekend. Go Cats! Love to all.


Jody said...

Girl, All I have to say is: PREACH IT, SISTA!!!! (Not about Tony B. that is another story)! I loved how real you are.

The reason my blogging has slowed down so much is b/c I have had a difficult time being "one of those" bloggers. I am sooooooooo beat down from day ALL THE TIME!! I am exhausted and worn out with toddler twins and I can't imagine what you are going through!

I love you for what you said. AMEN!! And, for the record, my marriage AIN'T perfect either. Nor do I want it to be b/c then it would be BORING!! We all know how much you and I wanted these kids so it is hard to complain, but I am human too and this is me complaining! THIS LIFE IS SO HARD.... COME LORD JESUS COME!!! Woo hoo!!

I appreciate you so much.

Lots of hugs,

jaime s said...

Just catching up on your blog! Love all your recent posts. No advice to give (b/c I'm preaching to the choir!!) I'm a happyland blogger b/c it's hard not knowing who reads my blog and I don't want anyone to walk away with the wrong impression (and I have a private blog set up with a few trusted friends that I use to vent/share struggles, etc)

I will offer some communication advice (that's my field, I can't help it!). The baby Einstein 1st Signs DVD is very good and teaches you (and Cade) a lot of the very basic, most used signs.

My favorite Eli sign is when he says he's sorry. He mostly does it for pulling F's hair. Which now (totally on his own) he will grab his hair and then give the sign for sorry to Faith. It is PRECIOUS!! I physically make him do the sign at first for several times and then I start saying, "Eli, you need to tell Faith your sorry" Another sign he does is more. I say, "Do you want more?" and he does the sign. I wait for the sign before giving him more and then praise it like crazy!!! (I mean like crazy!!) He and Faith and I all laugh and Faith will even chime in (with much enthusiam...Good, boy Eli!! Another so precious moment!

If he still doesn't do the sign after you wait on him. Make him do it and then say, Here's more!! He'll catch on so quick.

2 under will get easier...we are seeing the light and loving it more each day!

Jerri said...

This afternoon, I was picking up the living room toys, Conner pulled on a DVD/CD stand that Don uses for storage for his teaching. (Conner KNOWS it's a no-no. I move it beside the desk so that it's out of the way when he's here.) There was a half gallon of spring water on top of lid. The half gallon of water did a perfect flip, deflected off of Conner's head and landed upside down on the floor. Conner said, "Nanananananana!" (which means both "No-No" and "Grandma" real moment for the day. (Luckily no one was hurt....)

Anonymous said...

sorry Mindy...I am snickering! But I will say most of my memories of "those" days have faded. And the ones that have not faded bring smiles. The football photo is great. Wish I had thought about taking a picture of Lauren & Stephen skating on the kitchen floor they had just waxed with butter. (and their hair) I don't think picture taking was on my mind at that moment. OR when they thought flushing a box of tampons down the toilet was a great idea or Lauren shaving Stephen's nose...looked like a scene out of a horror film or the time.....wish I had the blog option way back then. Might of saved Fred some grief! Blog away!

The Speck family said...

You are the best~ I sure do miss you up here! My life is one big drama but I just post smiling pics of Bennett for grandparents... since the child spends the majority of his day crying/whining I have to capture the staged smiling pics when I can get them. You DEFINITELY deserve an award for having 2 under 2~ you are amazing. Love, Kelly S.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't worried about you. Girl, I know you can handle it all! You're a MOM. It's what we do...HANDLE things!